Empty Homes in Sedgemoor: A discussion with Judie Jones

March 1 2022

Throughout Empty Homes Week 2022, we’re raising awareness of the issue of empty properties. At Lendology, we work with our council partners to offer empty property owners’ financial solutions to reduce the number of empty homes.

We recently spoke to Judie Jones, Regulatory Compliance Officer in the Private Sector Housing Team at Sedgemoor District Council to find out more about her role and the support available to help bring long-term empty properties back into use.

How did you get into your role as Sedgemoor District council?

“My background to getting into this role came from working in Private Sector Housing as a Regulatory Compliance Officer, and accepting a project to look at Empty Homes in the area.”

How do you engage with owners of empty properties?

“I find communicating and reaching out to homeowners and offering help and information around their Empty Properties is working quite well at the moment. They are happy to communicate and have a conversation, therefore I learn more about why the property is empty and what their plans are for the property.”

What’s the general response from owners?

“Owners are always pleased to hear that there are ways that we can help and support them with their Empty Properties if that is what they are looking for. This has resulted in referrals to Lendology in the first 2 months of looking at Empty Homes.”

What motivates you the most in your role?

“I am motivated by knowing that there are options and help for owners out there, that they may not be aware of, and also by knowing Sedgemoor District Council can help them. I am also motivated by knowing it to be another home that we can bring back into use, improving the community and homelessness.”

How do you feel about the council’s partnership with Lendology to deliver Empty Property Loans?

“By Sedgemoor District Council and Lendology continuing their working relationship around Empty Homes, this can only strive to help and assist homeowners to bring Empty Properties back into use.”

In January and February 2022, Sedgemoor District Council identified 127 Empty properties and 13 Long Term Empty properties across the district. The council responded by sending Empty Homes Letters sent out to the owners. By working with Lendology, Sedgemoor District Council continues to provide support to owners to renovate and improve the condition of empty homes.

To find out more about support available for Empty Property owners, please visit Empty Property Loans

For more information about Empty Homes in Sedgemoor, please visit Empty Homes

If you would like to apply for a loan or have any questions about the application process, you can call us on 01823 461099 or use our online application form: Apply Now

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