Our latest Social Impact Report is now available!

August 23 2019

We are thrilled to release our all new Social Impact Report for the first quarter of 2019.  We will be creating a new report every quarter with cumulative figures.

The aim of our social impact report is to showcase how our home improvement loan scheme impacts our various stakeholders and beneficiaries.

Here at Lendology, we know too well that lending money is not all we do. Take a customer having a home improvement loan for a new boiler. Our loan will not just fund a new boiler, it will keep all occupants warm and safe, it will increase the energy efficiency and reduce the heating costs of the home, and most importantly it will remove the worry and stress our customers often report when they do not know how to fund the works.

Our unique and tailored approach to lending means we can consider everyone’s individual circumstances with our face-to-face appointments. This means that often, we are lending to people who would not be able to access finance elsewhere for a variety of reasons.  Our latest video gives an overview of our eligibility and borrowers in more detail.

We hope our social impact report makes interesting reading and our customer feedback brings our work to life.  The next report will include customer case studies, so watch this space!

Feedback is important to us as without it we cannot reflect and grow. If you have any comments on our very first Social Impact Report, please email communications@wrcic.org.uk.

A huge thanks to our Social Impact Team at Lendology and also Lindsay at Eight One Five Design in Wellington, Somerset for her beautiful design work, as always!

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