What have the team been getting up to?

April 6 2020

In spite of the unnerving situation of Covid-19, our team have been optimistic in creating an opportunity to support people and their communities through the pandemic.

As of March 27, the decision to finish at midday on Friday was put in place for the unforeseeable future. This allows our team to offer support in their local communities, take up a hobby or to simply unwind. In light of the situation, we thought we would share what we’ve been getting up to and how we are demonstrating solidarity in these impending difficult times.

Most of the Wessex team have signed up to volunteer, either through the NHS Voluntary scheme or with their local community support groups. Other members of the team have been helping neighbours or loved ones who are self-isolating. Our finance manager, Anna and another Loans Adviser, Martine have registered as NHS volunteers. Their role will be to call to help and check in on vulnerable people who are in strict isolation measures to ensure that they are okay and hopefully less lonely.

Other team members have signed up to volunteer within their local communities. Our CEO, Emma has been helping people out in her community and working Friday afternoons at her village shop. Many of the existing volunteers are over 70 and therefore in isolation. Harriet has been shopping for neighbours who are at risk and self-isolating and has been batch cooking for family members.

Ellie has been providing various support from collecting prescriptions and shopping for local people to taking phone calls from people needing help or volunteers wishing to offer help. Ellie said ‘The Support Group was set up by local people about three weeks ago and has really hit the ground running, it’s challenging as the demand is so large and it feels like it’s only going to grow, but it’s very emotional to be part of such a determined team of volunteers and live in a community so keen to help each other out.’

Despite living in chaotic, unprecedented times, it’s really important to slow down and prioritise our wellbeing; especially whilst in isolation. Many of us will also be using this time to catch up with family and connect with old friends as well as learning new hobbies or taking time to relax. Since the gyms have been closed, Shannon has been following online workouts and has been using the app ‘Down Dog’ to practice yoga. Harriet has been spending her Friday afternoons at her allotment, preparing food for the coming months and Anna has started on some gardening.

We have now concluded our second full week of working from home and have been using Zoom to stay connected for team meetings. Rather than discussing work, we have used this time to reflect and check in on one another. Now more than ever, it’s important to take a moment to be kind to ourselves and others and to demonstrate solidarity and gratitude.

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