Bulk Buy Fuel Loans
To help spread the cost of bulk buying home heating for people living in off-gas homes, Somerset Council also offer a bulk buy fuel loan scheme.
Support in my local area
Energy advice
The Centre for Sustainable Energy is a charity supporting people across the UK to tackle the climate emergency and end the suffering caused by cold homes. Their energy advisors improve people’s mental and physical health by offering free advice to reduce energy bills and cut carbon emissions.
Somerset Retrofit Accelerator
Home Repair Agencies
Somerset Independence Plus provide advice and support with remaining independent in your home for as long as you choose. They can also support you with returning home after hospital.
Fire Safety Home Checks
Home safety visits | Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service
Databases of Local Support Services and Groups
Somerset Community Connect is a platform to find useful information on community support and guidance to help you live independently.
Somerset Village Agents work across the county and are a vital resource connecting individuals with local support and knowledge.
Talking Cafes across Somerset, organised by Somerset Village Agents. An information cafe providing you with the advice and support you need in Somerset.
Somerset Energy Saver helps people in Somerset reduce their energy bills and learn more about what financial assistance is available here.
Other useful information
To find more support with the following, please visit our Useful Information page
- Finding Contractors
- Money Advice
- Energy Advice
- Support for People over 55
- Future Planning and Probate
- Planning Portal